ATS News

ATS supports USAG Drum exercise

Earlier this month, members of Applied Training Solutions, LLC, assisted U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum personnel with a complex Full-Scale Exercise, allowing them to train on core Installation Management Command capabilities.

This exercise simulated man-made hybrid threats, including a train derailment with sulfuric gas, as well as cyber threats against the post.

A month prior to the exercise, intelligence scenarios were sent out causing the installation to create a Threat Working Group and ensure the Force Protection Status of the base was appropriately elevated.

These scenarios included lead-in messaging about activities of an extremist sovereign citizens group recruiting via gaming platforms, arrest of a member participating in a riot, arrest of a member trying to breach an installation boundary, drone activity over a Fort Drum housing area and the robbery of the New York Railroad Supply Company where three train derailing apparatus were stolen.

This played right into the main scenario at the official start of the exercise, a train derailing inside the southern area of the installation, releasing sulfur dioxide and starting a fire. The derailment scenario also simulated a vehicle accident, a mass casualty event for a unit training nearby, as well as the simulated chemical plume affecting a child development center.

These simultaneous events caused the Fort Drum emergency services to be dispatched to the sites, working with local, state, federal and CSX officials. As the scenario continued, additional personnel were simulated to be affected, and the Garrison had to activate an Emergency Family Assistance Center.

As a last part of the exercise, multiple hacking attempts were identified and neutralized by the installation’s Network Enterprise Center. The exercise concluded with a realistic press conference hosted by the Garrison commander.

This complex exercise challenged USAG Fort Drum’s ability to synthesize information received from a variety of live and simulated sources, while synchronizing network, communications, and emergency management efforts amongst its tenant organizations, local and county external partners, and senior leadership.

This FSE successfully tested and evaluated the installation’s ability to identify, respond, and recover from man-made hybrid threats against its infrastructure, facilities, and personnel that caused damage to the installation and mass casualties.  The exercise also tested the installation’s ability to coordinate with local and state agencies during response and recovery efforts, while continuing to provide Mission Assurance and community resilience operations to the installation. 

The ATS team supported the exercise with simulated intelligence messaging, the production of simulated social media, and led and supported White Cell execution.  The team employed various products to provide a realistic representation of events which enhanced the execution of the exercise design that allowed the installation to effectively test their plans, policies, and procedures.

As a leader in emergency preparedness training and readiness, ATS continues to actively work to deliver innovative, experience-based disaster-preparedness exercise solutions for local, state, and federal agencies to protect communities. 

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